May 26, 1996 MatchMe Multimedia Matching Game Copyright (c) 1996 Oh My Goddess! All Rights Reserved. INTRODUCTION MatchMe is a multimedia ShareWare matching game for Windows 3.x and Win95. MatchMe uses BMP image, WAV sound, FLI or FLC (flic) animation, and AAS script files. You can use MatchMe as is, or supply your own files to customize it. You need at least 32K colors on your desktop or the BMP images that come with MatchMe are going to look pretty weird. You also need a SoundBlaster 16 or compatible sound card to hear the WAV files. CUSTOMIZING MatchMe Customizing MatchMe is fun and pretty easy if you can use a text editor like NotePad. All the program information is in the file MATCHME.INI. This file, like most INI files, is organized into sections. Open MATCHME.INI in your favorite text editor program and find the [Images] section heading. Below it you'll see entries for the (maximum of 99) BMP image files that MatchMe can display: [Images] BMP01=bmp\knot1.bmp BMP02=bmp\bball4.bmp ... MatchMe requires a minimum of 36 entries in this section (i.e., BMP01, BMP02, ..., BMP36). Up to 63 additional entries may be added (i.e., BMP37, BMP38, ..., BMP99) Any or all of the entries can be changed. To change the first entry simply replace "knot1.bmp" with the filename of the BMP image you'd like to add to MatchMe. Make sure you don't change the "BMP01=" part, though, or remove any of the first 36 entries or MatchMe will complain. If your image file happens to be in a subdirectory other than matchme\bmp, just include the path. Every time you start (or restart) MatchMe, it will select a new set of images at random from the total number of images available. Similarly, in the [Animation] section, you'll find entries for all the flic or script files which correspond to each of the BMP images. For example, the entry ANIM01 points to the flic or script which plays when you have a match for the image pointed to by BMP01. ANIM02 plays when you match BMP02, etc. To change the animation, just replace the filename with the flic or script file you want to add. Easy, huh? If you don't know what an AAS script is, visit our Web page (see below) and download one of the screen savers. Play with it some and you'll be cranking out first rate scripts in no time. You'll also have some more animation to add to MatchMe. Now that you're an expert the rest of this will be a piece of cake. As you've probably guessed, all the other sections can be changed the same way. The [Yupsounds] section contains entries for all the WAV sound files that play when you have a match. Just like the [Animation] and [Images] sections, you can have up to 99 different sounds. Cool! So for a new sound number 2, COOL.WAV in the WAV subdirectory, add the entry: YUP02=wav\cool.wav That's it! The [Nopesounds] section contains the entries for all the WAV files that play when you have a mis-match. This section works exactly like the [Yupsounds] section. The [Other Sounds] section contains three entries. STARTSOUND is the WAV file that plays at the beginning of the game. FINSOUND plays at the end. BYESOUND plays at program exit. The [Cover Tiles] section also has two entries. NEWTILE is the BMP file that MatchMe uses for the grid "buttons". MATCHTILE is used to mark the grid buttons that have been matched. Don't worry about the [Settings] section, all these entries can be changed from within the MatchMe program. SPENDING OPPORTUNITIES Need some more flics for MatchMe? We proudly offer modules for MatchMe that contain some of the finest 3D animation you will ever see. See the file REGISTER.TXT for order information. If you're feeling pinched for cash you can also download some excellent freebie flics with the screen savers from our web page (see below). BUG REPORTS We love to get bug reports. Other suggestions for improving MatchMe are also very welcome. Send email to the Internet address below and We'll try to get the changes into the next release. REGISTRATION See the file REGISTER.TXT for mail order registration. DISTRIBUTION MATCHME.EXE, and all the BMP files are ShareWare, but not public domain. These files are Copyright (c) 1996 Oh My Goddess! All Rights Reserved. These files may be distributed freely provided the following conditions are met: 1. All of the files in this release, as detailed in manifest.txt, must remain together and in their original unmodified form. 2. They are not to be included in any commercial product without the express written consent of the author. HOW TO CONTACT LEAF & ZIA Send us email at: Visit our web page at LEGAL STUFF THIS IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND OH MY GODDESS! THE TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT BECOME BINDING WHEN YOU USE THE MatchMe PROGRAM. MatchMe IS SHAREWARE AND IS SUPPLIED AS IS WITH NO CLAIMS OF SUITABILITY FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. YOU AGREE TO HOLD NEITHER OH MY GODDESS NOR ITS DISTRIBUTORS LIABLE FOR ANY ALLEGED OR ACTUAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE OF THIS PROGRAM OR ANY OF THE ACCOMPANYING SOFTWARE OR ANIMATION. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Oregon. Autodesk, Inc. is the sole owner of the enclosed files AAPLAY.DLL and AAVGA.DLL. Autodesk is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Oh My Goddess! is a trademark of Oh My Goddess!.